Displaying 1 - 30 of 95 in total
Elaine James | An Invitation to Biblical Poetry
What if we've been missing an opportunity to reread biblical poetry to become co-creators or collaborators in the poetic journey? And what if we don't start reading th...
Kit Evans-Ford | Argrow's House, Autistic & Loved, and More
What can innovative ministry look like in your context? Are there opportunities for you to directly address the emergent needs of those you are called to serve while a...
Daniel Aleshire | Beyond Profession: The Next Future of Theological Education
In the dynamic landscape of religion, culture, and higher education, what should the next future of theological education become? Should it be a further accrual of int...
Lamar Hardwick | How Ableism Fuels Racism
What is ableism, and how does ableism relate to racism? And is this important for the church? These questions and more will be answered in our discussion today with Dr...
Krin Van Tatenhove & Rob Mueller | Neighborhood Church: Transforming Your Congregation into a Powerhouse for Mission
To all those who believe their local church can be a vital sign of God's presence in their community, and to those who believe in a right here, right now, in-this-plac...
Kenda Creasy Dean | Innovating for Love
Is innovation just a buzzword, or is there something going on with innovation that Christians should be paying attention to? In today's interview, Kenda Creasy Dean ta...
Andrew Root & Blair Bertrand | When the Church Stops Working
What is wrong with the church? How can we fix it? In this interview, we explore what people think is wrong with the church. Guests Blair Bertrand and Andrew Root sugge...
Khristi Adams | Womanish Theology
What do young Black girls have to teach all of us about God and about living our Christian faith? In today's interview, Khristi Adams explores the unique and invaluabl...
Montague Williams | Church in Color
What's wrong with saying, "I don't see color?" Many have pursued racial color-blindness as if it is a virtue, but in today's episode, Montague Williams, author of "Chu...
Ryan McAnnally-Linz | Life Worth Living
What makes a life worth living? Do we organize our lives around the pursuit of happiness, self-sacrifice, security, power, or wealth? In today's episode, Ryan McAnnall...
Kathleen McShane & Elan Babchuck | Picking up the Pieces: Leadership after Empire
What can spiritual entrepreneurship teach us about what God is doing in the world? In today's episode, Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck, co-authors of "Picking up th...
David White | Tending the Fire That Burns at the Center of the World
How do beauty and creativity helps us know God? How does the beauty of God's creation re-enchant the world as we know it? In this episode, David White, author of Tendi...
Debra Rienstra | Refugia Faith
What does Christian faith have to do with creation? As the global climate crisis becomes more and more pressing, Christian communities sometimes flounder in responding...
Douglas Powe & Lovett Weems | Sustaining While Disrupting
Which road do we take when at the intersection of tradition and innovation? Faith leaders and congregants across the country are navigating patterns of change daily in...
Amy Butler | Beautiful and Terrible Things
The first episode of Season 8 begins with an intimate interview with Amy Butler, pastor, educator, and author of "Beautiful and Terrible Things," that examines the dee...
Sarah Barton | Becoming the Baptized Body
Baptism is a foundational practice, and is considered a sacrament in most Christian churches. This ancient practice has been significant since Jesus was baptized in th...
Keri Day | Azusa Reimagined
In the early twentieth century, a series of revival meetings in Los Angeles shocked the nation. They had unsegregated worship services where both women and men spoke i...
Kimberly Wagner | Fractured Ground
Sandy Hook. Uvalde. Pulse Nightclub. Hurricane Katrina. COVID-19. 9/11. For millions of people in our country, these words are shorthand for unthinkable traumatic even...
Victoria Atkinson White | Holy Friendships
What happens when ordinary friendships become something deeper, something more sacred, something—dare we say—holy? On this episode, Victoria Atkinson White shares from...
Jonathan Lee Walton | A Lens of Love
Questions of how the Bible should be read by modern Christians have never been more important than they are today. What does it mean to read the Bible through a socioh...
Alexia Salvatierra & Brandon Wrencher | Buried Seeds
In an age of secularization, church planters face new, unexpected obstacles. Could the key to solving their problems be found in ministries started by marginalized com...
Barbara Brown Taylor | Holy Envy
What does it look like for Christians to live in a pluralistic society? What can be learned from neighbors who practice different religious traditions? In this episode...
Mary Farag | What Makes a Church Sacred?
In the wake of the Jesus Movement’s emergence from the underground, designated worship spaces like churches began to be seen as sacred spaces in and of themselves. How...
Kristin Kobes DuMez | Donald Trump, John Wayne, and Jesus
How did Donald Trump become a hero for so many white evangelical Christians?
Josh Packard | Navigating Uncertainty with Young People
How are young people navigating uncertainty? What does faith have to do with their ability to flourish?
Jamie Eaddy Chism | Journeying with a Death Doula
What is a death doula and how can they be vital partners in helping people come to terms with their imminent deaths? How do we grapple with collective traumas and grie...
John Swinton | Theology and Mental Health
What kind of theology would come to the forefront if we allowed the voices of those with mental health challenges to lead the discussion?
Mark Elsdon | Money and Mission
What if churches and ministries discovered they have more assets than they realize? What if the church could reimagine how to use its resources?
Erin Raffety | A Vision for Disability and Ministry
What are the ways that we as a church can learn from people with disabilities?
João Chaves | How Migration Molds Faith
What are the dynamics shaping the role of immigrant churches in the United States?
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